Event 9. 16 August 1845, Dubrovnik

Local contemporary newspapers reported that on 16 August 1845 Dubrovnik was struck by an apparently stong earthquake: “The trembling was at first wavy and then shaking and it lasted for 8 seconds; several moments before the earthquake sea level raised high above its usual level and flooded the road from/at Gruž.” (Gazzetta di Zara, 1845, Narodne novine, 1845). The earthquake is not listed in Croatian earthquake catalog (Herak et al., 1996) so there is no information on the intensity. The report also gives a fine description of a tsunami but the timing is in contradiction with the earthquake. However, course of the events might have easily been mixed up, considering that the eyewitness was probably shocked by the strong earthquake.  I = 4, R = 4.

Gazzetta di Zara (1845)