Learning physics by exploring hydrogels and aerogels
Izv. prof. dr. sc. Jerneja Pavlin
Pedagoška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Slovenija
Physics is a less popular school subject. It can be reduced to solving computational problems, or at least seemingly unrelated to daily life, involving multiple blocks, ramps, pulleys, and so on. This negative image can have consequences, but it can be improved by introducing contemporary physics into school physics classes. Researchers synthesize new materials every day and open research problems related to the structure of matter and its influence on macroscopic properties. An example of these materials are hydrogels and aerogels. They are often referred to as smart materials. The interesting property of aerogels is their low density and extremely low thermal conductivity. The most important property of hydrogels is their ability to absorb water, which is not released under pressure. This property is important for use in diapers, contact lenses, cosmetics, plant water beads, artificial tissue, body drug delivery and so on. Hydrogels are commonly found, although we are often unaware of them. They are found in the form of spheres for floristry purposes or as toys. And immediately research questions arise, such as what properties hydrogels have, how the soaking time of the hydrogel affects its size, how different liquids affect the size of the hydrogel sphere, etc. So we suggest that the teacher use it in the context of inquiry-based learning, where students design fair experiments, deepen their science knowledge and develop science skills.
Novi obzori sa svemirskim teleskopom James Webb
Dr. sc. Lana Ceraj
Institut Ruđer Bošković, Zagreb
Novi moćni svemirski teleskop James Webb već je podario svoje prve fotografije bliskog i dalekog svemira čija je ljepota usporediva s njihovim znanstvenim doprinosom. Pred njim je blistava budućnost koja će omogućiti astrofizičarima da otkriju najudaljenije dijelove svemira, kao i nama bliske svemirske objekte slaboga sjaja. Svojim jedinstvenim pogledom na infracrvenu svjetlost donosi nove informacije o plinu i prašini koje je svemir prepun, kao i o egzoplanetima, neki od kojih su možda slični Zemlji. Predavanje je posvećeno karakteristikama ovog vrhunskog teleskopa, kao i opisu njegovih glavnih znanstvenih misija i prvih rezultata te očekivanom doprinosu koji će imati i za astrofizičare i cijelo čovječanstvo.